
Dr. J. M. Dua

Experience: 51 years overall 

Education: MD (General Medicine), MBBS

Department: General physician

Specialization: General physician, Internal Medicine

Hospital: Indraprastha Apollo Hospital


Dr. J. M. Dua is a Internal Medicine physician in the area of Sarita Vihar, Delhi and he has an experience of 51 years in this fields. He practices at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Sarita Vihar, Delhi. He has done his MD in General Medicine from University of Allahabad in the year of 1976 and MBBS from University of Allahabad in 1973. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Treadmill Test – TMT, Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment, Migraine Treatment, Anaemia Treatment and Hypertension etc.


  • 2017 – Present Consultant at Sarthak Medical Centre.


  • MBBS from University of Allahabad, in 1973.
  • MD in General Medicine from the University of Allahabad, in 1976.


  • Delhi Medical Council.