

Replacement of destroy and damage bone marrow with a healthy bone marrow stem cell is called bone marrow transplant, and it is also known as stem cell transplant. BMT needed when the bone marrow doesn’t produce healthy blood cell and stop working.

What is bone marrow and how it’s transplant occur: It is a semisolid substance present in bones, where blood cells manufacturers.

BMT is actually a Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC),  that transplanted to damage cell in bone marrow with a cell of normal person.


There are two types of bone marrow transplant:

  1. ALLOGENEIC TRANSPLANT: This process involves the cells from a donor. The donor must have genetic matching. If the condition has damaged the bone marrow cell, then an allogeneic cell transplant is necessary. It has greater risk of some complication, such as GVHD (Graft-Versus-host-disease) . Allogeneic transplant success depends on how closely donor cell match.
  2. AUTOLOGOUS TRANSPLANT: This process involves the patients own stem cell. This process typically involves harvesting a patient cell before beginning the damaging therapy like radiation and chemotherapy. After the transplant is done patient cells return to his/her body. Usually this type of transplant isn’t always available. And this transplant can only be used when the patient have a healthy bone marrow. This process reduce the risk of some complications like GVHD.


Transplant Complications is totally depends on the underlying diseases, patient general condition , age and the radiation therapy and chemotherapy given before the BMT.  Also depends on the type of BMT and match of the donor stem cells.

There are some complications and risk:

  • Mouth, throat and stomach soreness.
  • Damage to organs like, liver, lung, heart and kidney.
  • Failure of kidney.
  • Bleeding and anaemia.
  • Host disease vs graft.


    • CT scan.
    • PET scan.
    • MRI:
    • Biopsy of bone marrow.
    • Typing.
    • Infectious.
    • Blood test.
    • Disease Screening.
    • Chest X-Ray.


There are some precautions or post transplant care after the procedure:

  • Take enough fiber in daily life.
  • Lean meats, poultry and fish eating.
  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits eating.
  • Whole-grain bread and cereals eating.
  • Maintain low fat and law salt diet.
  • Follow the food safety guidelines.
  • Avoiding alcohol.


The procedure of BMT perform when the person’s bone marrow is not enough healthy to functioning properly.

There are some reason of bone marrow transplant:

  • Cancer: It’s affects the bone marrow, such as lymphoma, leukemia .
  • Aplastic Anaemia: It is a disorder in which the bone marrow stop making of new blood cells.
  • Chemotherapy: Due to chemotherapy bone marrow gets damage.
  • Sickle Cell Anaemia: It is a inherited blood disorder.
  • Thalassemia: It is inherited blood disorder. In this disorder body forms abnormal form of Hb(hemoglobin).


The time taking might be long. Different procedure take different time duration. And the hospital stay is also varries.


The success rate of bone marrow transplant in India is depends upon the type of transplant and matching of donor.

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