
Dr. Sameer Kaushal

Experience: 17+ years

Education: MBBS, MD

Department:  Ophthalmology

Specialization:  Ophthalmology, Organ Transplant

Hospital: Artemis Hospital


Qualified as an eye surgeon, Dr. Sameer Kaushal attended the esteemed All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. He worked for several years in the institute’s Cornea, Cataract, and Refractive Surgery Unit after earning both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the esteemed institution, where he gained experience treating eye conditions, particularly those pertaining to the cornea. Additionally, he obtained invaluable experience doing a variety of eye treatments, including anterior segment surgeries such as LASIK, corneal transplantation, and phaco surgery for cataracts. His knowledge encompasses the newest methods of treatment, such as artificial corneas and suture less corneal transplants. Along with his involvement in teaching, he has also conducted research and written several research papers that have been published in international publications. He has been in the forefront of developing novel methods, such as less invasive therapies and new surgical techniques. In addition, he has coauthored works on corneal problems, transplantation, and Lasik surgery.


  • American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • Delhi Ophthalmological Society
  • All India Ophthalmological Society

Honors & Awards

  • Apart from various scientific research publications in international journals, also co-authored books on LASIK, Corneal transplantation and surgical video DVD in book “Management of Corneal Ulcer”
  • Teaching faculty at various National workshops on cornea

Clinical Focus

  • Treatment of Corneal disorders
  • Ocular Surface Disorders including ocular allergies and Dry Eyes
  • Refractive surgeries including LASIK and Phakic IOLs
  • Cataract
  • Paediatric ocular disorders especially paediatric cataracts


  • Cataract surgery including Phacoemulsification with IOL and paediatric cataract
  • Laser Vision Correction including LASIK
  • Phakic IOLs