

Removing the liver that is no longer functional properly and replacing it with a good and healthy liver that is functioning properly from a person who is alive or a deceased donor is called a liver transplant.
LIVER: The largest internal organs in the body. It performs many critical functions, including:
  • It removes bacteria and toxins from the blood.
  • Formation of proteins that help in blood clotting.
  • It prevents infection and regulates the immune system.
  • Formation of bole juice, which plays a major role in digestion.


  1. Living donor: A living person can donate her or his kidney to someone who needs a kidney transplant.
  2. Decease donor: A deceased person can also donate his or her kidney to someone. Such cases are possible when there is no kidney donation from an alive or close person.


In liver transplant surgery, there are some risks:
  • Blood clotting.
  • Donated liver failure.
  • Spread of infection.
  • Donated liver rejection.
  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Complications in the bile duct, like shrinking and leakages of the bile duct.


  •  Bilirubin.
  •  INE.
  •  INR.
  • Creatin test.

Why liver transplants are done?

It is an option for some people with liver cancer and also for those with liver failure, whose conditions can’t be controlled by the other treatments. Liver transplantation is normally reserved as a treatment option for those who face significant problems.


  • Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid grapefruit and pomegranate due to their effects.
  • In a daily diet, take enough fiber.
  • Prefer lean meat, poultry, and fish.
  • Drink fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
  • Kindly follow the food safety guideline’s.
  • By drinking adequate water and fluids daily, you can stay hydrated.
  • Avoid processed foods and choose whole-grain foods.


  • Spend at least five to ten days in the hospital. Until you fully recover,.
  • Have some frequent checkups to continue your recovery at home.
  • Take medications properly.
  • Possibly stay in an intensive care unit for some days because nurses and doctors monitor the patient’s condition and watch for signs of complications. They also check liver function frequently to ensure that the new liver is working properly.


Physical activities and exercise should be a regular part of your lifestyle after a liver transplant surgery to continue improving your overall mental and physical health.


In India, the success rate of a liver transplant surgery is 99%. The success rate also depends on the donor. People who receive living donors have a better short-term survival rate than those who receive deceased donor livers.

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