

Breast cancer may develop when the cells in the breast usually form a tumor that is malignant and can also affect surrounding tissues or spread to distant areas of the body. Breast cancer is the second most popularly recognized tumor among all women, after skin cancer. The passing rate of breast cancer has decreased a bit as of late, maybe because of more mindfulness and screening for this sort of disease and also better medications.


There are two types of breast cancer:

  • Non-cancerous, also called Benign.
  • Cancerous, also called Malignant.

Benign Tumor: When a tumor is diagnosed as benign, doctors usually don’t remove it. Even though these tumors are not generally aggressive toward surrounding tissues, occasionally they may continue to grow, pressing on the organs and causing pain and other problems. In these situations, the tumor is pulled out

Malignant Tumor: Malignant tumors are cancerous because they invade and damage the surrounding tissues. When a tumor is diagnosed as malignant, the doctor will perform a biopsy.


The symptoms of breast cancer may include:

  • Changes in the skin over the breast.
  • newly inverted nipple.
  • Peeling, scaling, and crusting of a breast.
  • Redness of the skin over your breast.
  • A lump of the breast.
  • Change in the size of a breast.

 What are the grades of the tumor?

The tumor cells are graded based on a scale of 1–3, which represents how aggressive the cancerous cells are.

Low-grade tumors look like normal tissue, and high-grade tumors look abnormal under the microscope and tend to be more dangerous.

High grade: Poorly differentiated

Intermediate grade: Moderately differentiated

Low grade: well-differentiated

When should I see a doctor?

Early detection may reduce the risk.

If you see any lumps or other changes in your breast—even if a recent mammogram was normal—you can make an appointment with your doctor for better treatment.


  • Breast cancer starts when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally. These cells replicate more quickly than healthy cells do, and they continue to gathered and form a lump or mass.
  • Breast cancer mostly starts with cells in the milk-producing ducts.
  • Inherited breast cancer
  • If you have a strong family history of breast cancer or any other cancer, your doctor may recommend genetic testing or blood testing to identify specific mutations in BRCA or other genes that are being passed through your family.
  • About five to ten percent of breast cancers are linked to gene mutations passed through generations of a family.

Risk factors

Factors that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer include:

  • Women health.
  • personal history
  • family history
  • Inherited genes that increase cancer risk.
  • Aging
  • period at a younger age.
  • Menopause begins at an older age.
  • never been pregnant.
  • Having your first child at an older age.
  • hormone therapy for postmenopausal.
  • Radiation exposure.
  • Drinking alcohol.


Making little changes in your daily life can help reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Exercise: Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a week.

Maintain a healthy weight: If your weight is healthy, then work to maintain that weight.

No or limited alcohol consumption: Decrease the amount of alcohol you drink to not more than 1 drink a day if you choose to drink.

Choose a healthy diet: Women who eat a Mediterranean diet may have a reduced risk of breast cancer.

Breast self-exam: Women can also self-examine their breasts.


Biopsy: Biopsies were evacuated in small pieces of breast tissue for investigation. A pathologist breaks down the tissue and liquid to determine the type of malignancy.

Mammogram: Mammograms are x-rays (breast tissue). They may additionally uncover lots of modesty and bits of calcium. In that case, if you have a bump or calcium stores, you may require additional tests to recognize the nearness of the strange cells.

Clinical Breast Exam: Your social insurance supplier can check your breasts, underarms, and collarbone area. If there is a protuberance, your medicinal services supplier will feel its size, shape, and surface.

Testing breast tissue: Unique tests on the sick tissue can play a major role in treatment.

Test of hormone receptors:

  • Test of HER2/neu t:
  • Test of the BRCA gene:


Mastectomy: In the mastectomy procedure, they remove the complete breast and small lymph nodes. Radical mastectomy also means removing muscle from the chest wall and the lymph nodes in the armpit.

Lumpectomy: In the lumpectomy procedure, they remove cancer but leave a lot of healthy breast tissues. It is also known as breast sparing surgery in breast cancer.

Sentinel node biopsy: in this process, one lymph node is removed surgically.

Axillary lymph node dissection: in this process, if the sentinel node is found to have cancer cells, the surgeon can recommend removing several nymph nodes in the armpit.

Breast reconstruction surgery: in this procedure, doctors recreate a breast so that it can look as much as possible like another breast.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also very helpful and increase survivorship.

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