

IVF is a process in which sperm fertilizes an egg (in a laboratory) rather than in the fallopian tube of the woman. The steps involved in this process are:
  • Placing the egg (from the mother) together with the sperm (thousands of approx. 100, 000).
  • Over 2–5 days, fertilized eggs grow in the laboratory; it’s called the blastocyst stage.
  • The embryo transfer process involves: a passing tube (very thin) that contains the embryo through the cervix and into the uterine cavity.
  • Usually one embryo is transferred at a time, with additional embryos stored by freezing (use in subsequent treatments).

Whom does it concern?

IVF is offered for those patients who have a blocked bilateral tube. Couples who are unable to conceive after the first and second line procedures, like ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination. The IVF process is also an option for couples requiring surrogacy or donor oocytes. IVF offers the best chance of a pregnancy. This treatment is recommended for conditions like sperm abnormalities, endometriosis, tubal damage, unsuccessful ovulation induction, and unexplained infertility. IVF is also an option for a same-sex couple (choosing to use donor sperm) and a single woman.


  • Starting of the treatment: Patients have to come for a check-up on the specific day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Ovarian provocation: Medication stimulates the ovaries to produce several eggs, increasing the chance of pregnancy. Patients could undergo 1-2 protocols based on reports and the case history.
  • Antagonist protocol: The entire treatment begins on the second day of the menstrual cycle and requires a few injections.
  • Long protocol: Patients need to come on the 2–3 days of their next menstrual cycle to start the actual ovarian stimulation; they need injections from the 21st day of their previous cycle.


There are some risk in IVF process

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    1. Premature delivery: The use of the IVF process can increase the risk that a baby will be born early with a low weight.
    2. Multiple birth: If more than one embryo is planted in the uterus of a female, then the risk of multiple births is possible.
    3. Miscarriage: The use of aspirating needles for the egg collection process could possibly cause bleeding, damage to the bowel, and infection.
    4. Birth defects: Mother age is the primary risk factor in the development of baby birth defects. IVF might increase the risk of certain birth defects.
    5. Ovarian cancer: Medication used to stimulate egg growth in the IVF process can develop ovarian cancer.
    6. Stress: The IVF process can be physically, financially, and emotionally draining. Support from family, friends, and counsellors can help overcome the stress and ups & downs of infertility treatment.


    The success rate of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process depends on several factors, like the age of the patient, type and duration of infertility, type of procedure, and ovarian response. But the doctor does their best to ensure a high success rate.