

Some information about kidney transplant surgery:

This procedure deals with the replacement of kidney because the kidney have reached the end stage of renal disease. In this surgery, the doctor placed a healthy kidney from a living donor into a patient whose kidneys were not functioning properly.

Types of Transplant Treatment

There are two types of kidney transplants:

  1. Alive person (donor): A living person can donate her or his kidney to someone who needs a kidney transplant.
  2. Deceased person (donor): A deceased person can also donate his or her kidney to someone. Such cases are possible when there is no kidney donation from an alive or close person.


  • High BP, or hypertension, is a very common cause of kidney failure and disease. In a tiny blood vessel, there is high blood pressure, which leads to kidney damage and also prevents the working process of filtration properly.
  • Diabetes: A patient with diabetes has a greater chance of kidney failure because the high blood pressure damages the kidney filtration and then causes kidney failure., which is known as diabetic nephropathy.
  • Arteries blockage: Blockage in those arteries that bring blood to the kidneys over time; it’s called renal artery stenosis. It is another cause of kidney failure and renal disease.
  • Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited condition. The formation of many large cysts or hollow spaces within the kidney creates difficulty in normal kidney function.


Kidney transplant surgery includes a lower body opening in the patient’s body and a replacement with a healthy kidney. New kidney blood vessels are connected to old kidney blood vessels.

There are some patients for whom a kidney transplant can’t be performed:

  • Having widespread cancer.
  • Patients with an active infection.
  • Having liver and heart disease. Patient’s with AIDS.


  • Infection in surgery.
  • Rejection and failure of the donated kidney.
  • Stroke and heart attack.
  • Bleeding and blood clotting.
  • Passing of infection from donor to receiver

Finding a suitable kidney:

There are some types of tests for determining a suitable kidney.

  • Tissue typing:
  • Crossmatch:
  • Blood typing:


  • Do proper exercise.
  • Take healthy food.
  • Bed rest for a few days.
  • Hospital stay of one week.


In India, the kidney transplant surgery success rate is 99%.

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