

The cancer that occurs in the prostate is called prostate cancer. The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid and nourishes and transports the sperm.
One of the most common cancers is prostate cancer. A lot of prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland. While it may not cause serious harm, the other types are more aggressive and can spread all over the body quickly.
The best way for successful treatment is when prostate cancer is detected as early as possible.

When to see a DOCTOR

If you have any persistent symptoms that worry you, just make an appointment with your doctor.


The causes of prostate cancer are not clear, but there are a number of things that may decrease the risk of developing the condition.
  1. Pain in bones
  2. Semen having blood
  3. Weight loss
  4. Trouble urinating
  5. Urine having blood


Factors that may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

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    AGEING: the risk of prostate cancer increases as age increases, most commonly at age 50.
    RACE: It has not been determined yet, but black people have a higher risk of prostate cancer than people of other races. Prostate cancer is likely to be more aggressive and advanced in black people.
    History of family: if any blood relatives, such as a parent, child, or siblings, have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, then your risk of having prostate cancer may be greater. And also, if you have a strong family history of breast cancer, your risk of prostate cancer can be higher.
    Obesity: Studies show that people who are more obese may have a greater risk of prostate cancer as compared to other people who have a healthy weight. In this type of population, the cancer is likely to be more aggressive.


    In prostate cancer treatment, there are some complications, which include:
    INCONTINENCE: prostate cancer and its treatment can both cause urinary incontinence. Its treatments depend on which type you have and how severe it is, and it can also improve over time. Medication, catheters, and surgery are the included treatment options.
    METASTASIZE: also means a cancer that spreads. Prostate cancer may spread to nearby organs, such as the bladder, blood streams, or lymphatic system, to the bones or other organs. If the prostate cancer has spread to other areas of the body, it is unlikely to be cured.
    ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: vacuum devices that assist in achieving erection, and the surgery can treat erectile dysfunction.


    We can reduce the rate and risk of prostate cancer by some of these preventions:


    RADIOTHERAPY: There are 2 types of radiation therapy. 1.brachytherapy 2.( external) radiation beam therapy. Both of these are used to treat prostate cancer. Both of these therapies can be used when the cancer is not spread to other parts and is confined to the prostate only. Its aim is to destroy the cancer cell with less harm to nearby tissues, such as the back passage and the bladder.
    CHEMOTHERAPY: This procedure is decided by the type of cancer and its stages. This method includes the use of drugs to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
    HORMONAL THERAPY: This therapy is also called ADT (androgen deprivation therapy). The aim of this therapy is to decrease the production of testosterone. This effect is easily achieved with medication or surgery.
    BIOLOGICAL THERAPY: In this method, some artificial substances are used to boost, direct, and restore the immune system of the body against cancer. This therapy involves the use of living organisms or derived substances from living organisms to treat disease.
    Cyberknife: This system delivers non-invasive treatments for prostate cancer, where the radiation is indicated. A small incision is made; in this case, an area with cancer cells is made cold with a probe.
    SURGICAL TREATMENT: The entire prostate gland and some surrounding tissues are removed through surgery in this process. This treatment is recommended in the early stages of the disease.



    The prostate cancer success rate has been around 90%.