

Replacement of damaged area bone with parts made up of metal and plastic (implants). It is a complex surgical process. The goal of the shoulder replacement surgery is to replace the arthritic humeral head with a metal ball.

What leads to the shoulder replacement surgery:

  • Broken or fractured shoulder.
  • Avascular Necrosis.
  • Arthritis (a disorder that affects joints).


  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  • CT scan..
  • X-Ray.
  • Electromyography (EMG).

Types of Shoulder Replacement

  • TKR (total shoulder replacement).
  • PKR (partial shoulder replacement).

Total shoulder replacement: Also known as traditional shoulder arthroplasty and sometimes called traditional shoulder replacement. In this surgery, Dr. replace the original ball and socket surfaces of the shoulder with a prosthetic having a similar shape. It is used for treating shoulder arthritis.

Reverse shoulder replacement: Also known as reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, In this surgery, surgeons reverse the shoulder joint ball and socket positions. The ball is replaced when the natural socket of the shoulder is fitted with a prosthetic ball.

Partial shoulder replacement: Also known as stemmed hemiarthroplasty, In this process, the humeral head of the arm’s head is removed and replaced with a prosthetic ball.

  • Ream and Run: During the partial shoulder replacement surgery, the natural socket is kept, and the surgeon uses special tools to reshape and smooth this socket for better shoulder joint movement. This process is called hemiarthroplasty, or “ream and run.”.

Shoulder resurfacing: Also known as resurfacing hemiarthroplasty. Humeral head damage is fitted with a cap (round in shape), which provides better movement of the joint. It doesn’t require complete removal of the natural humeral head.


There are some conditions that can damage the joint:

  • Fracture: When the fracture is at the upper end of the humerus, it may require replacement.
  • Rotator cuff injuries: It’s a group of tendons and muscles that surrounds the shoulder joint. Sometimes the result can be damage to cartilage and bone in the shoulder joint.
  • Osteonecrosis: There are some types of shoulder conditions that can affect the humerus blood flow. Bone collapses when it is starved of blood.
  • Osteoarthritis: It is also known as wear-and-tear arthritis. It damages the cartilage that covers the bone end and helps the joint move smoothly.


Although it’s very rare, sometimes it’s possible that the shoulder replacement surgery won’t lessen the pain or make it go away completely.

Some of the complications of shoulder replacement surgery include:

  • Nerve damage: Where the implant is placed, nerves can be damaged. Nerve damage can cause weakness, numbness, and pain.
  • Implant loss: The components of shoulder replacement are durable, but they may loosen over time. In some cases, patients may need another surgery.
  • Blood clots: After the surgery in the leg or arm, blood clots can form.
  • Fracture: During and after the surgery, the scapula or the glenoid bone can break.
  • Infection: During the surgery, infection can occur at the incision site or in the deeper tissue. To treat the infection, sometimes surgery might be needed.
  • Dislocation: It is also possible for the ball of the new joint to come out of the socket.


Patients have to rest in a recovery area for a short time after a surgery. Some x-rays will be obtained. Don’t try to move the shoulder unless the doctor says so.

Staying in a hospital depends on the individual’s needs.


Shoulder replacement surgery takes around 3 hours for the complete procedure. The estimated hospital stay is two to three days.


The success rate of shoulder replacement surgery in India is around 90–95%.

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